Now at the Farm

Fri, Sat, Sun 12-5:30pm

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Our 2020 Wine Glass


Our 2020 Jones Winery glass features a beautiful dragonfly. Not only loved for their beauty, dragonflies are also an eco-indicator, a sign of a healthy environment and overall environmental quality. Since dragonflies spend most of their life cycle in the water, they are more abundant in ecosystems with clean water. On our farm, we love to see dragonflies gracefully fly through our fields and dance over the waters of our farm ponds.

At our Winery, learn more about our wines and our sustainable farms practices. With a wine tasting, please enjoy a complimentary logo wine glass to take home with you. Guests love to collect them from each year, as the glasses tell the stories of our farm's crops, history, and environmental stewardship.

Be Good to the Land and the Land will be Good to You.

Philip James JONES, FARM FOUNDER, 1821-1912