Now at the Farm

Rain or Shine, at the Winery: Fri 5-7 and Sun 2-4

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Call the Crop Report for the Farm and Winery Updates 

Chaperone Guidelines

Thank you for visiting Jones Family Farms! Chaperones perform an important role in our education programs. The farm educator will ask for your assistance in helping the children in your group follow directions, refrain from running, and enter and exit the hay wagon safely. One of the chaperones’ most important jobs is to be enthusiastic and attentive, demonstrating how we are all lifelong learners!
Supervision and the Student Experience   
Please remember that students will follow your lead - if you show interest in the educational program, you will encourage them to be involved too. Please refrain from using cell phones and having private conversations during the education program.
We are happy when adults become involved in the program, but please hold your questions until the end and let students answer questions on their own. Our educators really enjoy hearing students’ answers – and it helps them understand how much the children know.
At the end of the field program we want children to experience the pumpkin harvest themselves. We encourage children to select and carry their own pumpkins.  We will ask chaperones to assist with the logistics of labeling students’ pumpkins with their names after the harvest.
Also, please note that we cannot accommodate younger siblings during the educational program, including the hay ride.
Chaperones will be asked to refrain from taking photographs and videotaping during the education program.  Please organize all class photos after the field program when until we have returned to the barnyard.  There the teacher can arrange the perfect group shot.
Food and Beverage
Please leave all coffee cups and food on the bus. Federal standards for good agricultural practices require us to keep food and drinks out of the crop fields. We are a carry in/carry out facility, so any trash from snacks eaten outside the barnyard area after the program should be taken back on the bus.
Suggested Attire
Please see our handout on How to Prepare for your Visit to the Farm to ensure that you are prepared for the weather conditions on Pumpkinseed Hill.  We notice that often the students are better dressed for the elements than the chaperones! The basics include: wear sturdy, water-resistant shoes; dress in layers, including a jacket or sweatshirt; and wear rain gear on rainy days.

Be Good to the Land and the Land will be Good to You.

Philip James JONES, FARM FOUNDER, 1821-1912