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Call the Crop Report for the Farm and Winery Updates 

Strawberry Season 2024

stay safe berry harvest

Reservations are important this year, especially on weekends!

Cherish your strawberries – they are precious, and so are you and all farm workers providing your food. We take care of our strawberries all year round to produce such nice berries at harvest time. They are one of our most demanding crops - a labor of love for over five decades!

Come Farm with Us! Entry Guidelines

  • Everyone must pick at least one Jones basket, or share a Jones box with up to 4 people.
  • Children under 10 years old may share a Jones basket with one person, or help pick into a Jones box (up to 4 people to a box).
  • Everyone going to the berry fields must have a Jones berry container and be harvesting fruit.

Online Reservations and Pre-Payment

strawberriesThe reservation system makes for a wonderful guest experience by moderating any potential crowds, providing an enjoyable visit for all guests. Online reservations are strongly recommended,especially for weekends! Do not get turned away - time slots are limited this year! With a reservation, check-in is much quicker, and we can update you about weather situations.

This year we plan to post reservations each day at 6 pm for the following day; this way we can be more helpful to you about the picking conditions.

Guests not technologically able to make online reservations can email the farm office 1 to 2 days in advance to arrange for their picking times.

For the most up-to-date pricing, please see the current reservations (when reservations open).

Selecting the Best Jones Container

We have our smaller Jones Berry Basket, with discounts when purchasing multiple baskets. We also offer our famous Jones Berry Box, for those interested in volume picking. 

Which container is best for you?

Baskets are better than boxes for multiple members in a group, especially when there are young children. 

Which is the best price? 

Whether you get 4 baskets or 1 box, they both represent the same quantity discount. If you have containers from last year that you can bring back, that is often a good choice since you at the farm will receive $1 per basket and $2 per box if you fill them with berries.

If you are not sure what is the best for your family, we are happy to help you adjust your order at the farm. Please place your online pre-order and reservation before your arrive, and we can help you upon check in.

Please note, only Jones picking containers can be brought out to the fields (no longer are green pint or quart containers allowed as helper containers). All berries must be in the Jones containers you are paying for when you leave your row of strawberries, and not in any other container. Do not overfill your baskets or boxes; each berry is precious and overflowing containers lead to berries falling to the ground. Pricing is based on containers that are slightly mounded.

no eating berries in the fieldNo Eating Berries in the Field

It is extremely important not to eat berries in the field. All food crops are recommended to be washed before eating, as they are grown outside among wildlife. Our farm enforces this important federal Food Safety guideline: wash berries before eating. As always, everyone is strongly encouraged to pick with clean hands. The farm has hand washing sinks at each picking location entrance.

Walking to the Fields

We have found that when everyone walks to the field, it creates a very pleasant, peaceful farm experience. Guests comment that they enjoy the beautiful farm walk as part of their berry picking experience. So bring your walking shoes! Please, no flip flops. Guests will need to be fit to walk each way (it can be a 5-10 walk each way) and carry their berries.

Strollers and Wagons

Strollers and wagons are strongly recommended to take young children to the fields! Please note, that strollers cannot go into the picking areas of the field. Strollers and wagons will be directed to park designated areas adjacent to the fields; therefore, children will need to be taken out of the strollers and wagons when the family is picking. We try to save an edge row for parents with infants in strollers, but these areas are limited.


With the reservation system, we will post our upcoming hours every few days. From when we open for strawberries in early June, we expect to be picking 7 days a week, weather permitting, until the third and sometimes the fourth week in June. Strawberry season goes by quickly, and can end early if the weather is too warm or too rainy.

Weather permitting, the fields are typically open weekdays from 9am to 5:30pm, Saturdays from 8am to 5:30pm, and Sundays from 8am to 12noon. Check website and Crop Report for that day's hours.

PLEASE NOTE: The last reservation to fill a box is 5pm; the last reservation to fill baskets is for 5:15pm. Cars and guests must enter the farm gate by 5:30pm; we close the entry gates promptly at 5:30pm and the fields at 6:00pm. If you have a reservation and arrive after 5:30pm due to traffic, we will work with you to reschedule your reservation for another time.

On Sundays: please note, we are only open in the mornings; you must arrive by 12 noon and we often sell out, so make sure to reserve your time slot before you arrive.

Family Sizes and Ages

In order to keep groups small and appropriately spaced out, please no more than 8 persons on the same reservation. 

We love children and young families, but we know harvesting berries can be a challenge at times for the very young depending on the weather and other conditions. We ask parents and caregivers to keep children close at hand. Running in the fields is not permitted. For children under 10, we recommend a one to one ratio, of one adult/teenager to each child to help them pick.

Picking Locations

We pick at two different farms, Pumpkinseed Hill or the Valley Farm. On the morning of your visit, call 203.929.8425 or check our website banner for our picking location information! Please DO NOT ask your GPS to send you to the Jones Family Farms (that will send you to the main farm and our winery).

Stay Safe, Stay Well

Stay home if you are sick or have been in contact with someone who is sick. 

Please No Outside Food

We follow the best agricultural practices, which outline that there should be no eating, picnicking, or outside food near harvest areas. We welcome water bottles.

Leave Pets at Home

Due to food safety regulations, pets are not allowed into the farmyard and fields. Also please note, you are not allowed to leave your pets in the car unattended.

Rescheduling, Weather and Cancelation Policies

You can adjust your reservation date and time on your own! Go to the Order Management Link your reservation's confirmation email, and make the adjustment. If you want to add or reduce the number of picking containers, you need to do that at the farm. 

If there is severe weather, and we close the farm, we will offer you a refund or credit. We do pick in light rain, so please reschedule 1 hour in advance if you wish to come another time. Also, if you cannot pick due to illness, you can reschedule your reservation up to 1 hour in advance by going to the Order Management Link in your confirmation email, and chose another day. 

No refunds for those who do not show for their appointments, since it is likely we had to turn other guests away for that time slot. Thank you.

Fresh Pre-Picked Berries

We plan to offer pre-picked berries as much as the crop permits. It is often only available during the peak of season, not when we first start or at the end. We will post on the website daily once we are open the availability, location, and times of any pre-picked berries. We might limit the number of quarts that can be purchased. Thank you for your support in wanting to purchase our strawberries - we strive to do our best to be there for you with this precious crop.

Be Good to the Land and the Land will be Good to You.

Philip James JONES, FARM FOUNDER, 1821-1912